Product Release Notes #37

In addition to general bug fixes, we've implemented some fantastic and powerful new features, such as a Live Chat Support tool, a seamless Hubspot Integration and key changes to things like attributes and accounts. Check them out below.

These updates have been carried out and implemented on release sprint #37 as of September 14th.


Insights by Quva

The Insights by Quva integration is now fully enhanced with Companies House information, including the names of directors, key information, latest accounts, social media feed, live News and up-to-date Investments records.

This information will appear when you have created a Deal for an Organisation you are raising funds for.



HubSpot Integration

Some of our clients operate a marketing tool alongside Quva in order to maximise their marketing automation efforts. We've now developed a real-time working integration between one of the leading marketing automation tools, HubSpot.

From today, you now have the ability to link up Quva with your HubSpot account, meaning any client records that are created in Quva, will automatically create a client record on HubSpot in real-time. The integration synchronises all contact and investment information you have recorded in Quva with that same record in HubSpot.



Organisations & Alternative Investments Methods

Within the Investors section, you can now create Organisations and alternative investment methods such as Nominees, Warrants and Options - this will allow you to add investments on a clients behalf. Both benefit from being able to link clients to them, for example, a Nominee structure can be created and have linked investors who belong to that Nominee. Likewise, they all enjoy CRM features such as Notes, Calls and Task Management.



Live Chat

In addition to the existing support contact form found in the admin area, you'll now have the ability to open a Live Chat tool on which you can speak to our Support & Account Management teams directly from the platform.

To access Live Chat, from the side menu, click on Support, then the option to launch Live Chat will appear in the side menu.



Custom Attribute Word Count

You can now create custom attributes for both "Text" and "Text Area" with an unlimited word count, handy for when you're wanting to use the custom attributes to serve up further content such as disclaimers or in-depth information about the deal.



Title for Individual

We recognise that the title of a client may not always be readily available, so this field is no longer mandatory, allowing you to create an Individual with solely their Forename, Surname and Email address.



Admin Accounts

The "Entrepreneur Role" is such a powerful feature that allows the Clients you are raising funds for to have access to your Quva Admin, albeit, with limited and restricted access set by you. When creating a Live Opportunity you simply need to associate the Opportunity with the Entrepreneur/Founder, which also requires that person to have an account. We now allow you to create the Admin role, but also disable any email communications that go out to them, meaning they will exist in the platform, but when you continue to create your live opportunity, your contact will no longer be made aware that of this - keeping you in full control of who sees what and when.


Got a question about these updates?

Get in touch with your account manager or drop us a note at,a

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