Product Release Notes #32

Hey there, in addition to squashing some nasty little bugs, we've also implemented some awesome new features in our latest product release - so go check em out!

These updates have been carried out and implemented on release sprint #32 as of July 15th.


You can now create target funds to promote out to your Limited Partners to raise capital. Your Limited Partners will be able to view and access the opportunity via the client portal, reserve an allocation and automate the cash-call process - streamlining the entire investment process for your Limited Partners.


Documents for Contacts

Following client feedback, we've now enabled you to upload documents, both .pdf and cloud-based, to be stored in a secure repository on a contact level basis, making sure your housekeeping is in order and giving you full transparency of your deals.



Fund Upate Reports

The 'Update Reports' functionality has been extended and now allows reports to be created against Funds. Reports can include attachments and would be made accessible internally to Investment Managers and Associates who will have access to the Fund.



Notes, Calls and Tasks

Live Investments, Existing Investments, Funds and Fund Investments all have Notes, Calls & Tasks options, meaning you can now create notes, record outcomes of calls and have key dates and tasks across all of the investment lifecycle.



General Bug Fixes

In addition to the awesome features above, we've also squashed a few bugs, but we'll not go into the gory details!


Got a question about these updates?

Get in touch with your account manager or drop us a note at


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