Product Release Notes #29

As you know, Rome wasn't built in a day, but some of our improvements were - so here's an update of the latest tweaks and improvements that will help enhance your Quva experience.

These updates have been carried out and implemented on release sprint #29 


Cloud-Based Documents

In addition to the already existing document repository where you can manually upload your desired documents, now you have the the ability to store cloud-based URL's, such as Google Docs or Microsoft OneDrive, alongside your existing documents, deals or investments - making documents more powerful than ever.



SEIS Investment Limit

As per government guidelines, each investor has a limit on how much they can invest into an SEIS eligible opportunity.

Quva now notifies users of this limit and highlights they can only invest up to £100,000 per tax year.



Cash Call Improvements

Previously, clients were able to transition a deal from live to existing without collecting all reserved monies. Now, we've implemented a change on which you can't transition a deal unless you've collected all the reserved/allocated funds - keeping you in full control of the investment.



Got a question about these updates?

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